A linha do tempo oficial de LOONA mantida no site oficial.



2016. 9. 26
이달의 소녀(LOOΠΔ) 첫 멤버 "희진" 공개
A primeira integrante HeeJin foi revelada.

희진 'Seoul Teaser' 공개
Vídeo Teaser 'Seoul' da HeeJin foi lançada.
Seoul Teaser

2016. 9. 29
희진 'ViViD' Teaser 공개
O vídeo teaser da música 'ViViD' de HeeJin foi lançada.
ViViD Teaser

2016. 10. 03
희진 ‘Paris Teaser' 공개
Vídeo teaser especial 'Paris' da HeeJin foi lançada.
Paris Teaser

2016. 10. 05
희진 싱글 앨범 [HeeJin] 발매
O primeiro single de [HeeJin] foi lançado.

희진 ‘ViViD' 공식 뮤직비디오 공개
O vídeo clipe oficial de 'ViViD' da [HeeJin] é lançado.
ViViD Official MV

희진 ‘ViViD (Accoustic Mix)' 뮤직비디오 공개
O vídeo oficial de 'ViViD Accoustic Mix' de [HeeJin] foi lançado.
ViVID Accoustic Mix

2016. 10. 08
[HeeJin] 발매 기념 ‘희진’ 팬 사인회 개최 (서울)
O primeiro evento de autógrafos ocorreu para celebrar o lançamento de [HeeJin] (Seul)
HeeJin / 1st Fan Event

2016. 10. 14
이달의 소녀 탐구 (LOOΠΔ TV) 런칭
LOOΠΔ TV lança

2016. 10. 16
[HeeJin] 발매 기념 두 번째 ‘희진’ 팬 사인회 개최 (서울)
O segundo evento de auógrafos ocorreu para ceebrar o lançamento de [HeeJin] (Seoul)

2016. 10. 19
희진 'ViViD (100% Real Live)' 영상 공개
O vídeo live oficial de 'ViViD' lança
ViViD (100% Real Live)

2016. 10. 22
[HeeJin] 발매 기념 세 번째 ‘희진’ 팬 사인회 개최 (서울)
O terceiro evento de autógrafos de HeeJin ocorreu para celebrar o lançamento de [HeeJin] (Seul)

2016. 10. 28
두 번째 멤버 "현진" 공개
A segunda integrante HyunJin é revelada

2016. 11. 05
[HeeJin] 발매 기념 네 번째 ‘희진’ 팬 사인회 개최 (서울)
O quarto evento de autógrafos ocorre para celebrar o lançamento de [HeeJin] (Seoul)

2016. 11. 07
현진 '다녀가요 (Around You)' Teaser 공개
É lançado o vídeo teaser da música '다녀가요 (Around You)' de HyunJin
다녀가요(Around You) Teaser

2016. 11. 08
희진, 현진 ‘I'll Be There' Teaser 공개
É lançado o vídeo teaser da música do dueto HeeJin e HyunJin 'I'll Be There'
I'll Be There Teaser

2016. 11. 09
현진 ‘Tokyo Teaser' 공개
O vídeo para o teaser especial 'Tokyo' de HyunJin é lançado
Tokyo Teaser

2016. 11. 11
현진 ‘다녀가요 (Around You) Original Film Ver.’ 공개
A versão filme original da música '다녀가요 (Around You)' de HyunJin é lançada
다녀가요(Around You) Original Film Ver.

2016. 11. 17
현진 싱글 앨범 [HyunJin], [HeeJin&HyunJin] 발매
Os segundos álbuns single [HyunJin] e [HeeJin&HyunJin] são lançados

현진 ‘다녀가요 (Around You)' 공식 뮤직비디오 공개
O vídeo clipe oficial da música '다녀가요 (Around You)' de [HyunJin] é lançado
다녀가요(Around You) Official MV

희진, 현진 'I'll Be There' 공식 뮤직비디오 공개
The official music video of HeeJin & HyunJin's duet song 'I'll Be There' from [HyunJin] was released
I'll Be There Official MV

2016. 11. 20
[HeeJin&HyunJin] 발매 기념 ‘희진, 현진’ 팬 사인회 개최 (서울)
HeeJin & HyunJin's first joint autograph event was held for celebrating the release of [HeeJin&HyunJin] (Seoul)
HeeJin&HyunJin / 1st Fan Event

2016. 12. 03
[HyunJin] 발매 기념 ‘현진’ 팬 사인회 개최 (인천)
HyunJin's first autograph event was held for celebrating the release of [HyunJin] (Incheon)

2016. 12. 08
세 번째 멤버 "하슬 공개
The third member HaSeul was revealed

2016. 12. 10
[HyunJin] 발매 기념 두 번째 ‘현진’ 팬 사인회 개최 (서울)
HyunJin's second autograph event was held for celebrating the release of [HyunJin] (Seoul)

2016. 12. 11
[HeeJin&HyunJin] 발매 기념 두 번째 ‘희진, 현진’ 팬 사인회 개최 (부산)
HeeJin & HyunJin's second joint autograph event was held for celebrating the release of [HeeJin&HyunJin] (Busan)

2016. 12. 12
하슬 ‘소년, 소녀(Let Me In)' Teaser 공개
The teaser video of HaSeul's song '소년, 소녀 (Let Me In)' was released
소년, 소녀(Let Me In) Teaser

2016. 12. 13
하슬 'Iceland Teaser' 공개
HaSeul's 'Iceland' special teaser video was released
Iceland Teaser

2016. 12. 14
희진, 현진, 하슬 ‘The Carol' Teaser 공개
The teaser video of LOOΠΔ(HeeJin, HyunJin, HaSeul)'s song 'The Carol' was released
The Carol Teaser

희진, 현진, 하슬 'London Teaser' 공개
LOOΠΔ(HeeJin, HyunJin, HaSeul)'s 'London' special teaser video was released
London Teaser

2016. 12. 15
하슬 싱글 [HaSeul], [LOOΠΔ&HaSeul] 발매
The third single albums [HaSeul] and [LOOΠΔ&HaSeul] were released

하슬 ‘소년, 소녀 (Let Me In)' 공식 뮤직비디오 공개
The official music video of HaSeul's '소년, 소녀(Let Me In)' from [HaSeul] was released
소년, 소녀(Let Me In) Official MV

희진, 현진, 하슬 'The Carol' 공식 뮤직비디오 공개
The official music video of LOOΠΔ(HeeJin, HyunJin, HaSeul)'s song 'The Carol' from [HaSeul] was released.
The Carol Official MV

2016. 12. 19
현진 ‘다녀가요 (Around You) 100% Real Live' 영상 공개
The live video of HyunJin's '다녀가요 (Around You)' was released
다녀가요 (Around You) 100% Real Live

2016. 12. 22
하슬 ‘The Starry Night 100% Real Live’ 커버 영상 공개
The live video of HaSeul's 'The Starry Night' was released.
HaSeul covered LAYBACKSOUND's 'The Starry Night'
The Starry Night 100% Real Live

2016. 12. 29
희진 ‘ViViD' 안무 연습 영상 공개
The choreography practice video of 'ViViD' was released
ViViD Choreography Video

2016. 12. 31
[LOOΠΔ&HaSeul] 발매 기념 ‘희진, 현진, 하슬’ 팬 사인회 개최 (서울)
HeeJin, HyunJin & HaSeul's first joint autograph event was held for celebrating the release of [LOOΠΔ&HaSeul] (Seoul)
LOOΠΔ&HaSeul / 1st Fan Event


2017. 01. 04
네 번째 멤버 "여진" 공개
The fourth member YeoJin was revealed

2017. 01. 08
[HaSeul] 발매 기념 ‘하슬’ 팬 사인회 개최 (인천)
HaSeul's first autograph event was held for celebrating the release of [HaSeul] (Incheon)

2017. 1. 12
여진 ‘키스는 다음에(Kiss Later)’ Teaser 공개
The teaser video of YeoJin’s song '키스는 다음에 (Kiss Later)' was released
키스는 다음에(Kiss Later) Teaser

2017. 1. 13
희진, 현진 ‘My Sunday’ Teaser 공개
The teaser video of HeeJin & HyunJin's duet song 'My Sunday' was released
My Sunday Teaser

2017. 1. 14
하슬, 여진 ‘My Melody’ Teaser 공개
The teaser video of HaSeul & YeoJin's duet song 'My Melody' was released
My Melody Teaser

희진, 현진 ‘I’ll Be There’ 안무 연습 영상 공개
The choreography practice video of 'I'll Be There' was released
I'll Be There Choreography Video

[HaSeul] 발매 기념 두 번째 ‘하슬’ 팬 사인회 개최 (김포)
HaSeul's second autograph event was held for celebrating the release of [HaSeul] (Gimpo)

2017. 1. 15
희진, 현진, 하슬, 여진 ’Taiwan Teaser' 공개
LOOΠΔ(HeeJin, HyunJin, HaSeul, YeoJin)'s 'Taiwan' special teaser video was released
Taiwan Teaser

[HeeJin] 발매 기념 다섯 번째 ‘희진’ 팬 사인회 개최 (김포)
HeeJin's fifth autograph event was held for celebrating the release of [HeeJin] (Gimpo)

2017. 1. 16
여진 싱글 앨범 [YeoJin], [HaSeul&YeoJin], [LOOΠΔ&YeoJin] 발매
The fourth single albums [YeoJin], [HaSeul&YeoJin], and [LOOΠΔ&YeoJin] were released

여진 ‘키스는 다음에 (Kiss Later)' 공식 뮤직비디오 공개
The official music video of YeoJin's '키스는 다음에 (Kiss Later)' from [YeoJin] was released
키스는 다음에 (Kiss Later) Official MV

2017. 1. 17
희진, 현진 'My Sunday' 공식 뮤직비디오 공개
The official music video of HeeJin & HyunJin's 'My Sunday' from [YeoJin] was released
My Sunday Official MV

2017. 1. 18
하슬, 여진 'My Melody' 공식 뮤직비디오 공개
The official music video of HaSeul & YeoJin's 'My Melody' from [YeoJin] was released
My Melody Official MV

2017. 1. 21
[LOOΠΔ&HaSeul] 발매 기념 '희진, 현진, 하슬' 팬 사인회 개최 (서울)
HeeJin, HyunJin & HaSeul's second joint autograph event was held for celebrating the release of [LOOΠΔ&HaSeul] (Seoul)

2017. 1. 22
[LOOΠΔ&YeoJin] 발매 기념 ‘희진, 현진, 여진’ 팬 사인회 개최 (서울)
HeeJin, HyunJin & YeoJin's first joint autograph event was held for celebrating the release of [LOOΠΔ&YeoJin] (Seoul)
LOOΠΔ&YeoJin / 1st Fan Event

2017. 2. 6
이달의 소녀 1/3(LOOΠΔ 1/3) 'New Project' Teaser 공개
LOOΠΔ 1/3's 'New Project' teaser video was released
New Project Teaser

2017. 2. 11
[YeoJin] 발매 기념‘여진’ 팬 사인회 개최 (서울)
YeoJin's first autograph event was held for celebrating the release of [YeoJin] (Seoul)

2017. 2. 12
이달의 소녀 1/3(LOOΠΔ 1/3) '???' Teaser 공개
LOOΠΔ 1/3's '???' teaser video was released
??? Teaser

2017. 2. 13
다섯 번째 멤버 "ViVi" 공개
The fifth member ViVi was revealed

2017. 2. 14
이달의 소녀 1/3(LOOΠΔ 1/3) '3월을 기다려 (Valentine Girl)' Preview Ver. 공개
LOOΠΔ 1/3's '3월을 기다려 (Valentine Girl)' preview video was released
'3월을 기다려 (Valentine Girl)' Preview Ver.

2017. 2. 18
[YeoJin] 발매 기념 두 번째 '여진' 팬 사인회 개최 (서울)
YeoJin's second autograph event was held for celebrating the release of [YeoJin] (Seoul)

2017. 2. 21
여진 '키스는 다음에 (Kiss Later)' 안무 영상 공개
The choreography music video of '키스는 다음에 (Kiss Later)' was released
키스는 다음에 (Kiss Later) Choreography Ver. MV

2017. 03. 02
[HaSeul&YeoJin] 발매 기념 ‘하슬, 여진’ 팬 사인회 개최 (서울)
HaSeul & YeoJin's first joint autograph event was held for celebrating the release of [HaSeul&YeoJin] (Seoul)

2017. 03. 05
이달의 소녀 1/3(LOOΠΔ 1/3) 'Love&Live' TV Commercial Ver. 공개
LOOΠΔ 1/3's 'Love&Live' video for TV commercial was released
'Love&Live' TV Commercial Ver.

2017. 03. 08
이달의 소녀 1/3 'New Zealand' Teaser 공개
LOOΠΔ 1/3's 'New Zealand' teaser video was released
New Zealand Teaser

2017. 03. 09
이달의 소녀 1/3 'Hong Kong' Teaser 공개
LOOΠΔ 1/3's 'Hong Kong' teaser video was released
Hong Kong Teaser

2017. 03. 10
이달의 소녀 1/3 '지금, 좋아해(Love&Live)' Teaser 공개
LOOΠΔ 1/3's title track '지금, 좋아해(Love&Live)' teaser video was released
지금, 좋아해(Love&Live) Teaser

2017. 03. 11
이달의 소녀 1/3 미니 앨범 [Love&Live] Preview 공개
The preview video for LOOΠΔ 1/3's mini album [Love&Live] was released
Mini Album "Love&Live" Preview

2017. 03. 13
이달의 소녀 1/3 미니 앨범 [Live&Live] 발매
The mini album [Love&Live] was released

이달의 소녀 1/3 ‘지금, 좋아해(Love&Live)' 공식 뮤직비디오 공개
The official music video of LOOΠΔ 1/3's '지금, 좋아해(Love&Live)' from [Love&Live] was released
지금, 좋아해(Love&Live) Official MV

2017. 03. 18
[Love&Live] 발매 기념 '이달의 소녀 1/3' 팬 사인회 개최 (서울)
LOOΠΔ 1/3's the first autograph event was held for celebrating the release of [Love&Live] (Seoul)
LOOΠΔ 1/3 / 1st Fan Event

2017. 03. 19
[Love&Live] 발매 기념 두 번째 '이달의 소녀 1/3' 팬 사인회 개최 (일산)
LOOΠΔ 1/3's the second autograph event was held for celebrating the release of [Love&Live] (Ilsan)

2017. 03. 20
이달의 소녀 1/3 ‘You and Me Together' 스페셜 뮤직비디오 공개
The special music video of LOOΠΔ 1/3's 'You and Me Together' from [Love&Live] was released
You and Me Together Special MV

2017. 03. 25
[HyunJin] 발매 기념 세 번째‘현진’ 팬 사인회 개최 (일산)
HyunJin's the third autograph event was held for celebrating the release of [HyunJin] (Ilsan)

2017. 03. 26
[Love&Live] 발매 기념 세 번째 '이달의 소녀 1/3' 팬 사인회 개최 (인천)
LOOΠΔ 1/3's the third autograph event was held for celebrating the release of [Love&Live] (Incheon)

2017. 04. 01
[Love&Live] 발매 기념 네 번째 '이달의 소녀 1/3' 팬 사인회 개최 (서울)
LOOΠΔ 1/3's the fourth autograph event was held for celebrating the release of [Love&Live] (Seoul)

2017. 4. 09
이달의 소녀 1/3 '지금, 좋아해 (Love&Live)' 안무 영상 공개
The choreography music video of '지금, 좋아해 (Love&Live)' was released
지금, 좋아해 (Love&Live) Choreography Ver. MV

[Love&Live] 발매 기념 다섯 번째 '이달의 소녀 1/3' 팬 사인회 개최 (서울)
LOOΠΔ 1/3's the ffith autograph event was held for celebrating the release of [Love&Live] (Seoul)

2017. 4. 14
ViVi ‘Everyday I Love You’ Teaser 공개
The teaser video of ViVi's song 'Everyday I Love You' was released
Everyday I Love You Teaser

2017. 4. 15
ViVi ‘Busan Teaser' 공개
ViVi's 'Busan' special teaser video was released
Busan Teaser

2017. 4. 16
ViVi ‘Everyday I Need You’ Teaser 공개
The teaser video of ViVi's song 'Everyday I Need You' was released
Everyday I Need You Teaser

2017. 04. 17
ViVi 싱글 앨범 [ViVi] 발매
The fifth single [ViVi] was released

ViVi ‘Everyday I Love You (Feat. HaSeul)' 공식 뮤직비디오 공개
The official music video of ViVI's 'Everyday I Love You (Feat. HaSeul)' from [ViVi] was released
Everyday I Love You (Feat. HaSeul) Official MV

2017. 04. 23
[HaSeul&ViVi] 발매 기념 첫 번째‘HaSeul & ViVi’ 팬 사인회 개최 (일산)
HaSeul & ViVi's the first autograph event was held for celebrating the release of [HaSeul&ViVi] (Seoul)
HaSeul&ViVi / 1st Fan Event

2017. 04. 24
이달의 소녀 1/3 'Love&Evil’ Teaser 공개
LOOΠΔ 1/3’s repackaged album‘Love&Evil’ teaser video was released
Love&Evil Teaser

2017. 04. 27
이달의 소녀 1/3 리팩키지 앨범 [Love&Evil] 발매
The repackaged mini album [Love&Evil] was released

이달의 소녀 1/3 ‘알 수 없는 비밀(Sonatine)' 공식 뮤직비디오 공개
The official music video of LOOΠΔ 1/3's '알 수 없는 비밀(Sonatine)' from [Love&Evil] was released
알 수 없는 비밀(Sonatine)

2017. 04. 29
[ViVi] 발매 기념 첫 번째 ‘ViVi’ 팬 사인회 개최 (일산)
ViVi's the first autograph event was held for celebrating the release of [ViVi] (Ilsan)

2017. 04. 30
[Love&Evil] 발매 기념 '이달의 소녀 1/3' 첫 번재 팬 사인회 개최 (서울)
LOOΠΔ 1/3's the first autograph event was held for celebrating the release of repackaged album [Love&Evil] (Seoul)

2017. 05. 08
이달의 소녀 1/3 'Prague' Teaser 공개
LOOΠΔ 1/3's 'Prague' teaser video was released
Prague Teaser

2017. 05. 14
ViVi ‘Everyday I Need You (Feat. JinSoul)' 공식 뮤직비디오 공개
The official music video of ViVI's 'Everyday I Need You (Feat. JinSoul)' from [ViVi] was released
Everyday I Need You (Feat. JinSoul) Official MV

2017. 05. 15
여섯 번째 멤버 "김립" 공개
The sixth member Kim Lip was revealed

2017. 05. 19
김립 ‘Eclipse Teaser' 공개
Kim Lip's 'Eclipse' teaser video was released
Single "Kim Lip" Preview

2017. 05. 20
[ViVi] 발매 기념 두 번째‘ViVi’ 팬 사인회 개최 (일산)
ViVi's the first autograph event was held for celebrating the release of [ViVi] (Seoul)

2017. 05. 21
[Love&Evil] 발매 기념 '이달의 소녀 1/3' 두 번째 팬 사인회 개최 (서울)
LOOΠΔ 1/3's the second autograph event was held for celebrating the release of repackaged album [Love&Evil] (Seoul)

2017. 05. 23
김립 싱글 앨범 [Kim Lip] 온라인 발매
The sixth single [Kim Lip] was released digitally

김립 ‘Eclipse' 공식 뮤직비디오 공개
The official music video of Kim Lip's 'Eclipse' from [Kim Lip] was released
Eclipse Official MV

2017. 05. 26
김립 싱글 앨범 [Kim Lip] 오프라인 발매
The sixth single [Kim Lip] was released physically

2017. 05. 28
[HaSeul&ViVi] 발매 기념 두 번째‘HaSeul & ViVi’ 팬 사인회 개최 (서울)
HaSeul & ViVi's the second autograph event was held for celebrating the release of [HaSeul&ViVi] (Seoul)

2017. 05. 29
김립 'Eclipse' 안무 버전 뮤직비디오 영상 공개
The choreography music video of Kim Lip's 'Eclipse' was released
Eclipse Choreography Ver. MV

2017. 06. 04
[Kim Lip] 발매 기념 첫 번째 ‘김립’ 팬 사인회 개최 (서울)
Kim Lip's the first autograph event was held for celebrating the release of [Kim Lip] (Seoul)
Kim Lip / 1st Fan Event

2017. 06. 10
[Kim Lip] 발매 기념 두 번째 ‘김립’ 팬 사인회 개최 (서울)
Kim Lip's the second autograph event was held for celebrating the release of [Kim Lip] (Seoul)

2017. 06. 11
[Love&Evil] 발매 기념 '이달의 소녀 1/3' 세 번째 팬 사인회 개최 (서울)
LOOΠΔ 1/3's the third autograph event was held for celebrating the release of repackaged album [Love&Evil] (Seoul)

2017. 06. 13
일곱 번째 멤버 "진솔" 공개
The seventh member JinSoul was revealed

2017. 06. 21
진솔 ‘Singing in the Rain Teaser' 공개
JinSoul's 'Singing in the Rain' teaser video was released
Singing in the Rain Teaser

2017. 06. 25
[Kim Lip] 발매 기념 세 번째 ‘김립’ 팬 사인회 개최 (서울)
Kim Lip's the third autograph event was held for celebrating the release of [Kim Lip] (Seoul)

[HaSeul] 발매 기념 세 번째‘하슬’ 팬 사인회 개최 (서울)
HaSeul's the third autograph event was held for celebrating the release of [HaSeul] (Seoul)

2017. 06. 26
진솔 싱글 앨범 [JinSoul], [Kim Lip&JinSoul] 발매
The seventh single [JinSoul], [Kim Lip&JinSoul] were released

진솔 'Singing in the Rain' 공식 뮤직비디오 공개
The official music video of JinSoul's 'Singing in the Rain' from [JinSoul] was released
Singing in the Rain Official MV

2017. 07. 02
[Kim Lip&JinSoul] 발매 기념 첫 번째 'Kim Lip & JinSoul’ 팬 사인회 개최 (서울)
Kim Lip & JinSoul's the first autograph event was held for celebrating the release of [Kim Lip&JinSoul] (Seoul)
Kim Lip&JinSoul / 1st Fan Event

2017. 07. 07
이달의 소녀 1/3 ‘비의 목소리 51db (Rain 51db)' 뮤직비디오 공개
The music video of LOOΠΔ 1/3's 'Rain 51db' from [Love&Evil] was released
비의 목소리 51db (Rain 51db) MV

2017. 07. 08
[JinSoul] 발매 기념 첫 번째 'JinSoul’ 팬 사인회 개최 (서울)
JinSoul's the first autograph event was held for celebrating the release of [JinSoul] (Seoul)

2017. 07. 10
진솔 'Singing in the Rain (feat. HeeJin)' 뮤직비디오 네이버 V 독점 공개
The music video of JinSoul's 'Singing in the Rain (feat. HeeJin)' was released exclusively on Naver V app
Singing in the Rain (feat. HeeJin) MV

2017. 07. 12
여덟 번째 멤버 "최리" 공개
The eighth member Choerry was revealed

2017. 07. 15
[JinSoul] 발매 기념 두 번째 'JinSoul’ 팬 사인회 개최 (서울)
JinSoul's the second autograph event was held for celebrating the release of [JinSoul] (Seoul)

2017. 07. 25
최리 ‘Love Cherry Motion Teaser' 공개
Choerry's 'Love Cherry Motion' teaser video was released
Love Cherry Motion Teaser

2017. 07. 26
최리 ‘Love Cherry Motion Teaser #2' 공개
Choerry's second 'Love Cherry Motion' teaser video was released
Love Cherry Motion Teaser #2

2017. 07. 28
최리 싱글 앨범 [Choerry], [JinSoul&Choerry] 발매
The eighth single [Choerry], [JinSoul&Choerry] were released

최리 'Love Cherry Motion' 공식 뮤직비디오 공개
The official music video of Choerry's 'Love Cherry Motion' from [Choerry] was released
Love Cherry Motion Official MV

2017. 07. 29
[Kim Lip] 발매 기념 네 번째 'Kim Lip’ 팬 사인회 개최 (서울)
Kim Lip's the fourth autograph event was held for celebrating the release of [Kim Lip] (Seoul)

2017. 07. 30
[Kim Lip&JinSoul] 발매 기념 두 번째 'Kim Lip & JinSoul’ 팬 사인회 개최 (서울)
Kim Lip & JinSoul's the second autograph event was held for celebrating the release of [Kim Lip&JinSoul] (Seoul)

2017. 08. 05
[JinSoul&Choerry] 발매 기념 첫 번째 'JinSoul & Choerry' 팬 사인회 개최 (서울)
JinSoul & Choerry's the first autograph event was held for celebrating the release of [JinSoul&Choerry] (Seoul)
JinSoul&Choerry / 1st Fan Event

2017. 08. 12
[Choerry] 발매 기념 첫 번째 'Choerry' 팬 사인회 개최 (서울)
Choerry's the first autograph event was held for celebrating the release of [Choerry] (Seoul)

2017. 08. 13
최리 'Love Cherry Motion' 안무 버전 뮤직비디오 영상 공개
The choreography music video of Choerry's 'Love Cherry Motion' was released
Love Cherry Motion Choreography Ver. MV

2017. 08. 28
이달의 소녀 1/3 '뉴질랜드 스토리' 1편 공개
The first episode of LOOΠΔ 1/3's 'New Zealand Story' was released
New Zealand Story #1

2017. 08. 30
이달의 소녀 오드아이써클 'Reveal' Teaser 공개
ODD EYE CIRCLE (from. LOOΠΔ)'s 'Reveal' teaser video was released
Reveal Teaser

2017. 09. 02
[JinSoul&Choerry] 발매 기념 두 번째 'JinSoul & Choerry’ 팬 사인회 개최 (김포)
JinSoul & Choerry's the second autograph event was held for celebrating the release of [JinSoul&Choerry] (Gimpo)

2017. 09. 03
[Love&Evil] 발매 기념 '이달의 소녀 1/3' 네 번째 팬 사인회 개최 (서울)
LOOΠΔ 1/3's the fourth autograph event was held for celebrating the release of repackaged album [Love&Evil] (Seoul)

2017. 09. 04
이달의 소녀 1/3 '뉴질랜드 스토리' 2편 공개
The second episode of LOOΠΔ 1/3's 'New Zealand Story' was released
New Zealand Story #2

2017. 09. 11
이달의 소녀 1/3 '뉴질랜드 스토리' 3편 공개
The third episode of LOOΠΔ 1/3's 'New Zealand Story' was released
New Zealand Story #3

2017. 09. 16
[Choerry] 발매 기념 두 번째 'Choerry' 팬 사인회 개최 (서울)
Choerry's the second autograph event was held for celebrating the release of [Choerry] (Seoul)

2017. 09. 18
이달의 소녀 오드아이써클 'Girl Front' Teaser 공개
LOOΠΔ / ODD EYE CIRCLE's title track 'Girl Front' teaser video was released
Girl Front Teaser

2017. 09. 19
이달의 소녀 오드아이써클 미니 앨범 [Mix&Match] Preview 공개
The preview video for LOOΠΔ / ODD EYE CIRCLE's mini album [Mix&Match] was released
Mini Album "Mix&Match" Preview

2017. 09. 20
이달의 소녀 오드아이써클 'LA' Teaser 공개
LOOΠΔ / ODD EYE CIRCLE's 'LA' teaser video was released
LA Teaser

2017. 09. 21
이달의 소녀 오드아이써클 미니 앨범 [Mix&Match] 발매
LOOΠΔ / ODD EYE CIRCLE's first mini album [Mix&Match] was released

이달의 소녀 오드아이써클 ‘Girl Front' 공식 뮤직비디오 공개
The official music video of LOOΠΔ / ODD EYE CIRCLE's 'Girl Front' from [Mix&Match] was released
Girl Front Official MV

2017. 10. 01
[Mix&Match] 발매 기념 첫 번째 '이달의 소녀 오드아이써클' 팬 사인회 개최 (서울)
LOOΠΔ / ODD EYE CIRCLE's the first autograph event was held for celebrating the release of [Mix&Match] (Seoul)
LOOΠΔ / ODD EYE CIRCLE / 1st Fan Event

2017. 10. 14
[Mix&Match] 발매 기념 두 번째 '이달의 소녀 오드아이써클' 팬 사인회 개최 (김포)
LOOΠΔ / ODD EYE CIRCLE's the second autograph event was held for celebrating the release of [Mix&Match] (Gimpo)

2017. 10. 21
[Mix&Match] 발매 기념 세 번째 '이달의 소녀 오드아이써클' 팬 사인회 개최 (부산)
LOOΠΔ / ODD EYE CIRCLE's the third autograph event was held for celebrating the release of [Mix&Match] (Busan)

2017. 10. 23
이달의 소녀 오드아이써클 ‘LOONATIC' 공식 리릭비디오 공개
The official lyric video of LOOΠΔ / ODD EYE CIRCLE's 'LOONATIC' from [Mix&Match] was released
LOONATIC Official Lyric Video

2017. 10. 26
이달의 소녀 오드아이써클 'Sweet Crazy Love’ Teaser 공개
LOOΠΔ / ODD EYE CIRCLE's repackage album title track 'Sweet Crazy Love' teaser video was released
Sweet Crazy Love Teaser

2017. 10. 27
이달의 소녀 오드아이써클 리팩키지 앨범 [Max&Match] Preview 공개
The preview video for LOOΠΔ / ODD EYE CIRCLE's repackage album [Max&Match] was released
Mini Album "Max&Match" Preview

2017. 10. 28
[Mix&Match] 발매 기념 네 번째 '이달의 소녀 오드아이써클' 팬 사인회 개최 (서울)
LOOΠΔ / ODD EYE CIRCLE's the fourth autograph event was held for celebrating the release of [Mix&Match] (Seoul)

2017. 10. 31
이달의 소녀 오드아이써클 리팩키지 앨범 [Max&Match] 발매
LOOΠΔ / ODD EYE CIRCLE's repackage album [Max&Match] was released

이달의 소녀 오드아이써클 ‘Sweet Crazy Love' 공식 뮤직비디오 공개
The official music video of LOOΠΔ / ODD EYE CIRCLE's 'Sweet Crazy Love' from [Max&Match] was released
Sweet Crazy Love Official MV

2017. 11. 02
이달의 소녀 오드아이써클 'Girl Front' 안무 버전 뮤직비디오 영상 공개
The choreography music video of 'Girl Front' was released
Girl Front Choreography Ver. MV

2017. 11. 04
[Max&Match] 발매 기념 첫 번째 '이달의 소녀 오드아이써클' 팬 사인회 개최 (김포)
LOOΠΔ / ODD EYE CIRCLE's the first autograph event was held for celebrating the release of repackage album [Max&Match] (Gimpo)

2017. 11. 11
[Max&Match] 발매 기념 두 번째 '이달의 소녀 오드아이써클' 팬 사인회 개최 (서울)
LOOΠΔ / ODD EYE CIRCLE's the second autograph event was held for celebrating the release of repackage album [Max&Match] (Seoul)

2017. 11. 14
아홉 번째 멤버 "이브" 공개
The ninth member Yves was revealed

2017. 11. 18
[Max&Match] 발매 기념 세 번째 '이달의 소녀 오드아이써클' 팬 사인회 개최 (서울)
LOOΠΔ / ODD EYE CIRCLE's the third autograph event was held for celebrating the release of repackage album [Max&Match] (Seoul)

2017. 11. 24
이브 'new' Teaser 공개
Yves' 'new' teaser video was released
new Teaser

2017. 11. 25
[Max&Match] 발매 기념 네 번째 '이달의 소녀 오드아이써클' 팬 사인회 개최 (서울)
LOOΠΔ / ODD EYE CIRCLE's the fourth autograph event was held for celebrating the release of repackage album [Max&Match] (Seoul)
LOOΠΔ / ODD EYE CIRCLE / 8th Fan Event

2017. 11. 28
이브 싱글 앨범 [Yves] 발매
The ninth single [Yves] was released

이브 'new' 공식 뮤직비디오 공개
The official music video of Yves' 'new' from [Yves] was released
new Official MV

2017. 12. 09
현진 ‘다녀가요 (Around You)' 우만나 스페셜 뮤직비디오 공개
The woomanna special music video of HyunJin's '다녀가요 (Around You)' was released
다녀가요 (Around You) 우만나 Special Ver. MV

[Yves] 발매 기념 첫 번째 'Yves' 팬 사인회 개최 (김포)
Yves' the first autograph event was held for celebrating the release of [Yves] (Gimpo)

2017. 12. 13
이달의 소녀 ViVi, 최리, Yves ‘The Carol 2.0' 공식 리릭비디오 공개
The official lyric video of ViVi, Choerry, & Yves' 'The Carol 2.0' was released
Carol 2.0 Official Lyric Video

2017. 12. 14
열 번째 멤버 "츄" 공개
The tenth member Chuu was revealed

2017. 12. 16
[Yves] 발매 기념 두 번째 'Yves' 팬 사인회 개최 (서울)
Yves' the second autograph event was held for celebrating the release of [Yves] (Seoul)

2017. 12. 23
[Yves] 발매 기념 세 번째 'Yves' 팬 사인회 개최 (서울)
Yves' the third autograph event was held for celebrating the release of [Yves] (Seoul)

2017. 12. 25
츄 'Heart Attack' Teaser 공개
Chuu's 'Heart Attack' teaser video was released
Heart Attack Teaser

2017. 12. 28
츄 싱글 앨범 [Chuu] 발매
The tenth single [Chuu] was released

츄 'Heart Attack' 공식 뮤직비디오 공개
The official music video of Chuu's 'Heart Attack' from [Chuu] was released
Heart Attack Official MV

2017. 12. 30
[Yves] 발매 기념 네 번째 'Yves' 팬 사인회 개최 (서울)
Yves' the fourth autograph event was held for celebrating the release of [Yves] (Seoul)


2018. 01. 06
[YeoJin] 발매 기념 세 번째 ‘여진’ 팬 사인회 개최 (서울)
YeoJin's the third autograph event was held for celebrating the release of [YeoJin] (Seoul)

2018. 01. 09
이브 'new' 안무 버전 뮤직비디오 영상 공개
The choreography music video of 'new' was released
new Choreography Ver. MV

2018. 01. 14
[Yves&Chuu] 발매 기념 첫 번째 'Yves & Chuu' 팬 사인회 개최 (서울)
Yves & Chuu's the first autograph event was held for celebrating the release of [Yves&Chuu] (Seoul)

2018. 01. 15
열한 번째 멤버 "고원" 공개
The eleventh member Go Won was revealed

2018. 01. 21
[Chuu] 발매 기념 첫 번째 'Chuu' 팬 사인회 개최 (서울)
Chuu's the first autograph event was held for celebrating the release of [Chuu] (Seoul)

2018. 01. 27
[Yves&Chuu] 발매 기념 두 번째 'Yves & Chuu' 팬 사인회 개최 (김포)
Yves & Chuu's the second autograph event was held for celebrating the release of [Yves&Chuu] (Gimpo)

2018. 01. 30
고원 싱글 앨범 [Go Won] 발매
The eleventh single [Go Won] was released

고원 'One&Only' 공식 뮤직비디오 공개
The official music video of Go Won's 'One&Only' from [Go Won] was released
One&Only Official MV

2018. 02. 03
첫번째 뮤직비디오 상영회 <이달의소녀 X 심화학습반> 개최 (서울)
The first music video screening event was held (Seoul)

2018. 02. 04
[Chuu] 발매 기념 두 번째 'Chuu' 팬 사인회 개최 (서울)
Chuu's the second autograph event was held for celebrating the release of [Chuu] (Seoul)

2018. 02. 10
[Chuu&Go Won] 발매 기념 첫 번째 'Chuu & Go Won' 팬 사인회 개최 (서울)
Chuu & Go Won's the first autograph event was held for celebrating the release of [Chuu&Go Won] (Seoul)

2018. 02. 16
이달의 소녀 '2018.2.29' Teaser 공개
LOOΠΔ's '2018.2.29' teaser video was released
2018.2.29 Teaser

2018. 02. 24
[Go Won] 발매 기념 첫 번째 'Yves' 팬 사인회 개최 (서울)
Go Won's first autograph event was held for celebrating the release of [Go Won] (Seoul)

2018. 03. 01
이달의 소녀 'Cinema Theory : Up & Line' Teaser 공개
LOOΠΔ's 'Cinema Theory : Up & Line' teaser video was released
Cinema Theory : Up & Line Teaser

2018. 03. 03
[Chuu&Go Won] 발매 기념 두 번째 'Chuu & Go Won' 팬 사인회 개최 (서울)
Chuu & Go Won's second autograph event was held for celebrating the release of [Chuu&Go Won] (Seoul)

2018. 03. 11
[ViVi] 발매 기념 세 번째 ‘ViVi’ 팬 사인회 개최 (서울)
ViVi's third autograph event was held for celebrating the release of [ViVi] (Seoul)

2018. 03. 17
열두 번째 멤버 "올리비아 혜" 공개
The twelfth member Olivia Hye was revealed

Olivia Hye 'Egoist' 공식 뮤직비디오 공개
The official music video of Olivia Hye's 'Egoist' from [Olivia Hye] was released
Egoist Official MV

2018. 04. 01
[Go Won] 발매 기념 두 번째 '고원' 팬 사인회 개최 (서울)
Go Won's second autograph event was held for celebrating the release of [Go Won] (Seoul)

2018. 04. 07
[Go Won&Olivia Hye] 발매 기념 첫 번째 '고원 & Olivia Hye' 팬 사인회 개최 (서울)
Go Won&Olivia Hye's first autograph event was held for celebrating the release of [Go Won&Olivia Hye] (Seoul)
Go Won&Olivia Hye / 1st Fan Event

2018. 04. 14
[Olivia Hye] 발매 기념 첫 번째 'Olivia Hye' 팬 사인회 개최 (서울)
Olivia Hye's first autograph event was held for celebrating the release of [Olivia Hye] (Seoul)

2018. 04. 22
[Go Won&Olivia Hye] 발매 기념 두 번째 '고원 & Olivia Hye' 팬 사인회 개최 (서울)
Go Won&Olivia Hye's second autograph event was held for celebrating the release of [Go Won&Olivia Hye] (Seoul)

2018. 04. 27
이달의 소녀 yyxy 'youth youth by young' Teaser 공개
LOOΠΔ/yyxy's 'youth youth by young' teaser video was released
youth youth by young Teaser

2018. 05. 20
[Kim Lip] 발매 기념 다섯 번째 '김립’ 팬 사인회 개최 (서울)
Kim Lip's fifth autograph event was held for celebrating the release of [Kim Lip] (Seoul)

2018. 05. 25
이달의 소녀 yyxy 'love4eva (feat. Grimes)' Teaser 공개
LOOΠΔ/yyxy's title track 'love4eva (feat. Grimes)' teaser video was released
love4eva (feat. Grimes) Teaser

2018. 05. 28
이달의 소녀 yyxy 미니 앨범 [beauty&thebeat] Preview 공개
The preview video for LOOΠΔ/yyxy's mini album [beauty&thebeat] was released
Mini Album "beauty&thebeat" Preview

2018. 05. 29
이달의 소녀 yyxy 'Budapest Teaser' 공개
LOOΠΔ/yyxy's 'Budapest' special teaser video was released
Budapest Teaser

2018. 05. 30
이달의 소녀 yyxy 미니 앨범 [beauty&thebeat] 발매
LOOΠΔ/yyxy's first mini album [beauty&thebeat] was released

이달의 소녀 yyxy ‘love4eva' 공식 뮤직비디오 공개
The official music video of LOOΠΔ/yyxy's 'love4eva (feat. Grimes)' from [beauty&thebeat] was released
love4eva (feat. Grimes) Official MV

2018. 06. 02 - 2018. 06. 03
팬미팅 [이달의 소녀 PREMIER GREETING : Line&Up] 개최 (서울)
The fan meeting [LOOΠΔ PREMIER GREETING : Line&Up] was held (Seoul)

2018. 06. 17
[beauty&thebeat] 발매 기념 첫 번째 '이달의 소녀 yyxy' 팬 사인회 개최 (고양)
LOOΠΔ / yyxy's first autograph event was held for celebrating the release of [beauty&thebeat] (Goyang)
LOOΠΔ / yyxy / 1st Fan Event

2018. 06. 24
[beauty&thebeat] 발매 기념 두 번째 '이달의 소녀 yyxy' 팬 사인회 개최 (서울)
LOOΠΔ / yyxy's second autograph event was held for celebrating the release of [beauty&thebeat] (Seoul)

2018. 07. 01
[beauty&thebeat] 발매 기념 세 번째 '이달의 소녀 yyxy' 팬 사인회 개최 (서울)
LOOΠΔ / yyxy's third autograph event was held for celebrating the release of [beauty&thebeat] (Seoul)

2018. 07. 07
뮤직비디오 상영회 [이달의 소녀 Cinema Theory 'Up&Line' in Busan] 개최 (부산)
The music video screening event [LOOΠΔ Cinema Theory 'Up&Line' in Busan] was held (Busan)

2018. 07. 08
[beauty&thebeat] 발매 기념 네 번째 '이달의 소녀 yyxy' 팬 사인회 개최 (서울)
LOOΠΔ / yyxy's fourth autograph event was held for celebrating the release of [beauty&thebeat] (Seoul)

2018. 07. 14
이달의 소녀 yyxy 'one' 공개
LOOΠΔ/yyxy's 'one' video was released

2018. 07. 29
이달의 소녀 '+ +' Teaser 공개
LOOΠΔ '+ +' teaser video was released
"+ +" Teaser

2018. 08. 02
이달의 소녀 'favOriTe' Teaser 공개
LOOΠΔ's 'favOriTe' teaser video was released
favOriTe Teaser

2018. 08. 07
이달의 소녀 리드 싱글 'favOriTe' 발매
LOOΠΔ's lead single 'favOriTe' was released

이달의 소녀‘favOriTe' 공식 뮤직비디오 공개
The official music video of LOOΠΔ's 'favOriTe' was released
favOriTe Official MV

2018. 08. 17
이달의 소녀 'Hi High' Teaser 공개
LOOΠΔ 'Hi High' teaser video was released
"Hi High" Teaser

2018. 08. 19
데뷔 콘서트 [LOOΠΔbirth] 개최 (서울)
LOOΠΔ's debut concert [LOOΠΔbirth] was held (Seoul)

2018. 08. 20
이달의 소녀 미니 앨범 [+ +] 발매
LOOΠΔ's first mini album [+ +] was released

이달의 소녀‘Hi High' 공식 뮤직비디오 공개
The official music video of LOOΠΔ's 'Hi High' from [+ +] was released
Hi High Official MV

2018. 08. 25
[+ +] 발매 기념 첫 번째 '이달의 소녀' 팬 사인회 개최 (서울)
LOOΠΔ's first autograph event was held for celebrating the release of [+ +] (Seoul)
LOOΠΔ / 1st Fan Event

2018. 09. 01
[+ +] 발매 기념 두 번째 '이달의 소녀' 팬 사인회 개최 (서울)
LOOΠΔ's second autograph event was held for celebrating the release of [+ +] (Seoul)

2018. 09. 05
이달의 소녀 'Hi High' 안무 버전 뮤직비디오 영상 공개
The choreography music video of 'Hi High' was released
Hi High Original Choreography Ver. MV

2018. 09. 08
[+ +] 발매 기념 세 번째 '이달의 소녀' 팬 사인회 개최 (서울)
LOOΠΔ's third autograph event was held for celebrating the release of [+ +] (Seoul)

2018. 09. 16
[+ +] 발매 기념 네 번째 '이달의 소녀' 팬 사인회 개최 (서울)
LOOΠΔ's fourth autograph event was held for celebrating the release of [+ +] (Seoul)

2018. 10. 06
[+ +] 발매 기념 다섯 번째 '이달의 소녀' 팬 사인회 개최 (서울)
LOOΠΔ's fifth autograph event was held for celebrating the release of [+ +] (Seoul)

2018. 10. 14
[+ +] 발매 기념 여섯 번째 '이달의 소녀' 팬 사인회 개최 (서울)
LOOΠΔ's sixth autograph event was held for celebrating the release of [+ +] (Seoul)

2018. 10. 15
이달의 소녀 'X X' Teaser 공개
LOOΠΔ 'X X' teaser video was released
"X X" Teaser

2018. 11. 23 - 2018. 11. 25
보이는 라디오 콘서트 [LOOΠΔ Studio in Seoul] 개최 (서울)
LOOΠΔ's visual radio concert [LOOΠΔ Studio in Seoul] was held (Seoul)


2019. 01. 01
이달의 소녀 'X1X' Teaser 공개
LOOΠΔ 'X1X' teaser video was released
"X1X" Teaser

2019. 01. 11
이달의 소녀 'XIIX' Teaser 공개
LOOΠΔ 'XIIX' teaser video was released
"XIIX" Teaser

2019. 01. 21
이달의 소녀 'XIIIX' Teaser 공개
LOOΠΔ 'XIIIX' teaser video was released
"XIIIX" Teaser

2019. 01. 31
이달의 소녀 'XIVX' Teaser 공개
LOOΠΔ 'XIVX' teaser video was released
"XIVX" Teaser

2019. 02. 14
이달의 소녀 'Butterfly' Teaser 공개
LOOΠΔ 'Butterfly' teaser video was released
"Butterfly" Teaser

2019. 02. 16
이달의 소녀 'For All LOOΠΔs Around the World' 공개
LOOΠΔ 'For All LOOΠΔs Around the World' video was released
"For All LOOΠΔs Around the World"

2019. 02. 19
이달의 소녀 리팩키지 앨범 [X X] 발매
LOOΠΔ's repackage album [X X] was released

이달의 소녀 'Butterfly' 공식 뮤직비디오 공개
The official music video of LOOΠΔ's 'Butterfly' from [X X] was released
"Butterfly" Official MV

2019. 03. 31
이달의 소녀 '#' Teaser 공개
LOOΠΔ '#' teaser video was released
"#" Teaser

2019. 03. 31
이달의 소녀 'La Maison LOONA' Teaser 공개
LOOΠΔ 'La Maison LOONA' teaser video was released
"La Maison LOONA" Teaser

2019. 07. 18
2019 MTN 방송광고 페스티벌 / CF스타 신인상
2019 MTN Ad Festival Awards / CF Star Rookie of the Year - LOONa as winner

2019. 08. 22
2019 소리바다 베스트 케이뮤직 어워드 / 퍼포먼스 부문
2019 Soribada Best K-Music Awards / Performance Award - LOONA as winner

2019. 11. 26
2019 아시아 아티스트 어워즈 인 베트남 / 포커스상 가수 부문, 스타15 인기상
2019 Asia Artist Award in Vietnam / Focus-Singer Award, Star15 Popularity Award - LOONA as winner

2019. 12. 13
이달의 소녀 리드 싱글 '365' 발매
LOOΠΔ's lead single '365' was released

2019. 12. 14
팬미팅 [이달의 소녀 PREMIER GREETING : Meet&Up] 개최 (서울)
The fan meeting [LOOΠΔ PREMIER GREETING : Meet&Up] was held (Seoul)

2019. 12. 14
이달의 소녀 '#1' Teaser 공개
LOOΠΔ '#1' teaser video was released
"#1" Teaser


<poem> 2020. 01. 09 이달의 소녀 '#2' Teaser 공개 LOOΠΔ '#2' teaser video was released "#2" Teaser

2020. 01. 22 이달의 소녀 '#3' Teaser 공개 LOOΠΔ '#3' teaser video was released "#3" Teaser

2020. 01. 29 이달의 소녀 'To all LOOΠΔs around the world' 공개 LOOΠΔ 'To all LOOΠΔs around the world' video was released "To all LOOΠΔs around the world"